Project public deliverables

Work packages

Work package 1 - Secure communication

D1.1 - Private communication middleware architecture

D1.2 - First version of the private communication middleware components

D1.3 - Final version of the private communication middleware

Work package 2 - Secure storage

D2.1 - Storage architecture

D2.2 - Long-term secure block device

D2.3 - Legal recommendations

D2.4 - Initial secure file system

D2.5 - Short-term secure block device

D2.6 - Legal analysis

D2.7 - Final secure block device

D2.8 - Final secure file system

Work package 3 - Secure queries

D3.1 - Architectural and API proposal for the secure processing stack

D3.2 - Privacy-preserving storage and computation techniques

D3.3 - Non-elastic secure Key Value Store

D3.4 - Non-elastic restricted secure SQL Engine

D3.5 - Secret-sharing and order-preserving encryption based private computation

D3.6 - Elastic privacy-preserving storage and computation

D3.7 - Secure key value store

D3.8 - Secure SQL engine

Work package 4 - Integration and cloud services

D4.1 - SafeCloud architecture

D4.2 - Initial release of the SafeCloud platform

D4.3 - Final release of the SafeCloud platform

D4.4 - Testing and Evaluation Plan

D4.5 - Testing and Evaluation Report

Work package 5 - Use cases

D5.1 - Design and Requirements, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

D5.2 - Design and Requirements, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

D5.3 - Prototype, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

D5.4 - Prototype, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

D5.5 - Final deployment, Cloud&Heat SafeCloud-based cloud storage platform

D5.6 - Final deployment, Maxdata SafeCloud-based healthcare platform

Work package 6 - Impact and outreach

D6.1 - SafeCloud website

D6.2 - Release of dissemination instruments

D6.3 - Exploitation Plan

D6.4 - First rolling report on dissemination and exploitation activities

D6.5 - Second rolling report on dissemination and exploitation activities

D6.6 - Final rolling report on dissemination and exploitation activities

D6.7 - Proceedings of the first SafeCloud Workshop

D6.8 - Proceedings of the second SafeCloud Workshop

Work package 7 - Project and innovation management

D7.1 -Project-internal mailing lists

D7.2 - Quality assurance plan

D7.3 - S1 Progress Report

D7.4 - S2 progress and management report

D7.5 - S1 Progress Report

D7.6 - S4 Progress and Management Report

D7.7 - S5 Progress Report

D7.8 - S6 Progress and Management Report

D7.9 - Innovation Report

D7.10 - Innovation Report

D7.11 - Innovation Report

D7.12 - Ethical guidelines for market data collection