The Université de Neuchâtel (UniNE) was founded in 1838. It is one of the top research universities in Switzerland in various scientific domains. Most notably, it is embedded in the local R&D tissue centred on microelectronics and nanotechnologies including the Institute of Microengineering (IMT-EPFL) and the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM). The University has a strong experience in participating in European projects.
The Complex Systems group, part of the Computer Science Institute, represents UniNE in the present proposal. The current activities of these groups focus on concurrent program-ming, distributed systems, cloud computing, data storage, information theory, dependability and security. Its members publish regularly in major international conferences and journals. The group has recently been participating in the H2020 projects SecureCloud and EBSIS, and FP7 projects LEADS, ParaDIME, SRT-15 and Velox. The UniNE researchers have a long-standing record of publications in the fields of research addressed by SafeCloud. The University of Neuchâtel also has a research group with a strong expertise in Cryptography (Prof. Elisa Gorla) and Intellectual Property and Innovation Law (Prof. Nathalie Tissot) that will be leveraged in the course of the project.