A Practical Framework for Privacy-Preserving NoSQL Databases

TitleA Practical Framework for Privacy-Preserving NoSQL Databases
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMacedo R, Paulo J, Pontes R, Portela B, Oliveira T, Oliveira R, Matos M
Date Published09/2017
Conference LocationHong Kong, China

Cloud infrastructures provide database services as cost-efficient and scalable solutions for storing and processing large amounts of data. To maximize performance, these services require users to trust sensitive information to the cloud provider, which raises privacy and legal concerns. This represents a major obstacle to the adoption of the cloud computing paradigm.
Recent work addressed this issue by extending databases to compute over encrypted data. However, these approaches usually support a single and strict combination of cryptographic techniques invariably making them application specific. To assess and broaden the applicability of cryptographic techniques in secure cloud storage and processing, these techniques need to be thoroughly evaluated in a modular and configurable database environment. This is even more noticeable for NoSQL data stores where data privacy is still mostly overlooked.
In this paper, we present a generic NoSQL framework and a set of libraries supporting data processing cryptographic techniques that can be used with existing NoSQL engines and composed to meet the privacy and performance requirements of different applications. This is achieved through a modular and extensible design that enables data processing over multiple cryptographic techniques applied on the same database.
For each technique, we provide an overview of its security model, along with an extensive set of experiments. The framework is evaluated with the YCSB benchmark, where we assess the practicality and performance tradeoffs for different combinations of cryptographic techniques. The results for a set of macro experiments show that the average overhead in NoSQL operations performance is below 15\%, when comparing our system with a baseline database without privacy guarantees.
