The article entitled “SafeFS: A modular architecture for secure user-space file systems (one FUSE to rule them all)”, conceived as part of the European SafeCloud project, received the Best Student Paper Award in the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (Systor).
INESC TEC researchers, Rogério Pontes, João Paulo, Francisco Maia, Rui Oliveira, and University of Neuchâtel researchers, Dorian Burihabwa, Valerio Schiavoni, Pascal Felber and Hugues Mercier created a highly flexible filesystem, capable of adapting to various ranges of applications. Namely, the system can be applied to cloud environments, in personal computers, as well as in IoT infrastructures, composed by a panoply of devices ranging from sensors to smartphones. In each of these environments, SafeFS has minimal performance degradation, ensures data confidentiality and prevents any information loss. The system is designed in such a way that it easily allows its integration into new environments and the addition of new functionalities without compromising the integrity of the same.
This research is part of the SafeCloud (Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture) European project, which runs until 2018 and aims to make data in the cloud inviolable, making secure the current services and cloud computing infrastructures.
Systor 2017 was held in Haifa, Israel, from May 22 to 24 and had as its main objective the forum for interaction across the systems and storage community: international, academic, and industrial, for both students and more established members. This conference is a recognized storage systems conference with top researchers of this area.