SafeCloud media blitz in Portugal

Following the start of the project, the various aspects of SafeCloud were discussed at length in Portuguese media, including interviews with Prof. Rui Oliveira.

1. SafeCloud wants to prevent privacy breaches in the cloud
Media – Porto 24
Date – November 5, 2015
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This news focus on widely used cloud computing storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox and discusses the privacy breaches that recently occurred for the photos of celebrities stored in cloud computing services. SafeCloud project and a novel app to be realized under the project context are mentioned as a novel approach to avoid these recent issues.

2. Portuguese laboratory leads research that aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – RTP
Date – November 4, 2015
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Portuguese media RTP published a text that mentions the SafeCloud project and the SafeCloud app that aim at protecting the privacy of data stored at the cloud.

3. SafeCloud platform
Media – Antena 1
Date – November 4, 2015
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This news refers to the Safecloud project and related app that will guarantee total confidentiality of data stored in the cloud. Protection against malicious hackers is also mentioned. Rui Oliveira's comments are included in the audio clip.

4. Who wants a “SafeCloud”? Portuguese team leads European project
Media – Rádio Renascença
Date – November 3, 2015
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This news discusses the goals and partners of SafeCloud project. Again the SafeCloud app is mentioned and it is stated that the app will be free for all users and aims at alerting users for the need of data privacy in the cloud.

5. Portuguese laboratory leads research that aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – SIC Notícias
Date – November 3, 2015
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This news focus the objectives and partners of the SafeCloud project. “One of the partners of the project that works with clinical analyses, will benefit from this project. Clinical companies cannot store their data at the cloud without having complete privacy”, stated Rui Oliveira.

6. European project aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Jornal i
Date – November 2, 2015
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In this news the focus are the objectives of the project, the budget and the coordination. Rui Oliveira says that the objectives of the project are to correct the failures of the current approaches for cloud security available in the market.

7. Portuguese laboratory aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Notícias ao Minuto
Date – November 3, 2015
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This news states that data privacy and integrity in the cloud are the objectives of the SafeCloud European project.
"One of the partners of the project that works with clinical analyses, will benefit from this project. Clinical companies cannot store their data at the cloud without having complete privacy", stated Rui Oliveira.

8. Portuguese laboratory leads research that aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Diário de Notícias da Madeira
Date – November 3, 2015
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This news highlights the objectives, the team, and the partners of the SafeCloud project. The SafeCloud app is also referred.

9. INESC TEC – Study aims the security on the cloud
Media – Jornal de Notícias
Date – November 3, 2015
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In this text it is discussed how privacy is currently provided for cloud computing services by current market solutions.

10. Portuguese laboratory leads research that aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Diário de Aveiro
Date – November 4, 2015
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This news highlights the objectives, the team, and the partners of the SafeCloud project. The SafeCloud app is also referred.

11. App aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Destak
Date – November 4, 2015
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The SafeCloud project and app are mentioned as well as the coordination of the project.

12. SafeCloud project aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – PC Guia
Date – November 3, 2015
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This text mentions the main goal of the SafeCloud project is to ensure the privacy and integrity of data stored at cloud services. This protections is extended to malicious attacks from external entities.

13. European project leads for Portuguese team aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Ver Portugal
Date – November 2, 2015
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This news mentions once again the drawbacks of current solutions in the market. Hacker’s attacks are again discussed and will be contemplated in the SafeCloud project.

14. European project leads for INESC TEC aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Liga-te à Media
Date – November 2, 2015
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This news talks about the coordination and objectives of this project. Rui Oliveira talks about the privacy drawbacks of current cloud services such as Google Drive and Dropbox. The project team is mentioned.

15. European project aims at completely confidential data in the cloud
Media – Local
Date – November 2, 2015
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This news talks about the coordination and the objectives of the project. Rui Oliveira talks about the privacy drawbacks of current cloud services such as Google Drive and Dropbox.

16. Portuguese researchers lead European project for create cloud with privacy and security
Media – Sapo Tek
Date – November 2, 2015
Link –

The focus of this news are the objectives of the project. The prevention of of hacker’s attacks are also mentioned. Information about the project’s partners is also referred.