Cybernetica is an R&D intensive ICT company that researches, develops and manufactures software solutions, light signalling and telematics products, maritime surveillance and radio communications systems; investigates and applies the theoretical and practical security solutions. Cybernetica has been involved in the deployment of Estonia's nation-wide ID card with PKI support and the development of digital signature solutions. It has developed time-stamping systems and the Estonian Internet voting solution, deployed secure cross-database query systems, customs systems and border security systems. Cyber’s information security related development activities are supported by its research group, doing research related to cryptography (including Public Key Infrastructure, time-stamping, secure multiparty computation), database security, language-based security and security analysis of programs and protocols.
Around 15 employees of Cybernetica are currently doing R&D for, as well as investigating the application and deployment of Sharemind, the most complete secure multiparty computation platform currently in existence. The design and implementation of the platform has been validated through performance evaluations and pilot applications, as well as through peer-reviewed publications.